Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Aaaand, we're back!

Holy Cannoli! So I have recently received some inquiries about this little ol’ blog. Many of you have noticed I have taken quite a hiatus from writing since before Josh was born.  Well, I have decided its time to get back. Back to capturing these fleeting moments in our life when the kids grow so quickly in weekly,  okay most likely, monthly postings ;) Back to seeking out sweet photo ops to savor for years to come and back to feeding my creativity vein with some good old fashion sentiment and fun with words; …trusting that I will make time to get it all organized here in Blog land.  All that said, I want to say these past 6-ish months have been nothing short of crazy! Between Carlo’s appendectomy Christmas Eve and then the birth of our second son  three days later; becoming a family of 4 has, let’s  just say, been a whirlwind experience….I COULD NOT have done any of it without our loving family and amazing friends. 

~Mom and Dad THANKS for being you! thanks for being here! I am so glad you were able to be here for Josh’s birthday; leaving Caleb here with the 2 of you is always priceless.  You both are so loved. I am blessed to have such incredibly selfless parents. The list of things you both do for us is simply too long to post...;)

~Dearest friends, thanks for dropping off meals during those first few weeks.  Carlo and I appreciate it more than words can say. The ability to open up a mostly empty fridge to find a neatly wrapped and prepared meal ready to heat and serve is also, priceless.

So as the number of wagons on Josh’s train increase each month, (Mom you rock!)  and as I begin to look forward  to the coming months , I am reminded that I am not only surviving, I am doing great!  I am getting better with each passing month and yes, even now, that the terrible two’s have settled in, I CAN do this mom-of-two thing, and I can do it well….because I have support.

~Love, you've been such a trooper and I commend you for trying your hardest to help around the house and with the boys after the surgery during your recovery; YOU are one. special. Daddy! PS Happy early Fathers Day; don't make any plans Saturday night ;)
In previous news, my favorite in-laws stayed with us for a month back in March and April so that was nice to have some help with cooking and hanging out with Caleb. Mid-March my SIL who lives in Florida, came to visit with her 3 kiddos . Some might have said that was a “ less then good” idea to have all those people in my house with a newborn to nurse, but it was really quite nice...really! The cousins got to know each other and the adults soaked up some quality time together too; OH, and we all got to celebrate Carlo’s 37th birthday that week as well, with a traditional Peruvian feast with our closest friends here in Sun Prairie.  Doesn’t the saying go, “ The fondest memories are made when gathered around the table?” …or at least somewhere where there is good food? .... Yes, yes they are.

Fast forward a couple of months Carlo is just about back to 100% physically, after a second surgery to fix a hernia; most likely caused from lifting prematurely after the appendectomy.  Sigh. Note: when the Doc says to lift nothing more than 10 pounds post -surgery, listen to him or her ;/

So, it has been a little more trying than originally planned adjusting to our new season in life. Nonetheless, we are thrilled and adore our bundles of joy; even when the eldest discovers how “interesting” poop can be…incert eye roll here.

Josh loves the swing and baby Einstein excer-saucer.  He is generally a happy-go-lucky, smiley kind of  kid who by the way, still has blue eyes like mommy ;) He is a brute and never ceases to amaze me how fast he is growing, fitting into 6-9 month and sometimes even12 month clothes already!!!

Caleb is enjoying “playing the piano" lately and we are all looking forward to this weeks delivery of the piano my in-laws have been storing for us since we got married; its an old German upright. I simply can't wait until my beloved is reunited with his FAVORITE instrument; the memories to be made around that thing will be..... well....priceless!

1 comment:

Steve & Diana said...

love the video of caleb! that's amazing! exciting too that you'll be getting a piano soon.