Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall Fun!

Woozers….so here I am…I didn’t forget about you, I simply was enjoying Wisconsin life, in the fall, with a toddler.
We are getting major purchases knocked off the list of things to get before the cold weather settles in and before the baby comes…one being the enormous snow blower my husband decided to buy. Finally. It should alleviate the hard work our neighbors have done helping us shovel and plow us out these past 2 winters. Lord knows I am not going out there this winter to shovel, there will be a tiny bundle here inside requiring lots of my attention; not to mention said bundles' energetic big brother ;)
We’re also in the process of converting Caleb’s room to a “big boy” room which of course led to buying a new twin size bed complete with cute dinosaur sheets, a dresser and night stand. We went with a vintage car and truck theme which essentially entails a few new pics from the Golden book series and wall decals. He seems to really like it! Momma likes it too because it’s a new, cool
space to safetly play and enjoy his favorite toys…anything with wheels of course.

The countdown to Christmas has begun; Michael, Tony, Josh, Nat, and Harry have already taken up residency on my Pandora station…their voices and songs just get me excited for the holidays. Sorry, I can’t help it. If you are one of those people who cringe at the fact that they are playing Christmas music at all the major department stores now, weeks before thanksgiving, I am just going to say a little prayer for you right now that your heart would soften and you would just go with it…savor these days because it will come and go. Quickly. Then you will find yourself saying “I can’t believe it’s all over already,” with one of those sad, pouty faces on…Am I right?

We have just 6 weeks left before our sweet Joshua is due to enter the world. I am excited and
ready. Well, almost ready. We have his nursery ready except for a few details like a chair rail and curtains. I really like how it is all turning out. Thanks to my mom and dad, once again, the boys will have the cutest and sweetest rooms to call their own.

Speaking of the sweetest; check out these adorable pics of the duel baby shower thrown by 2 of my besties. My friend Nicole is due to have another boy also, around the same time I am, so Cole and Jenna went with a "Little Guys in Ties" theme. Precious. Still feeling so incredibly blessed to have these women in my life. God is GOOOOD!

My goal this season; to laugh, a lot. And dance as often as possible cheek to cheek ( most likely to Christmas music) with my boys, big and little. I am going to drink another glass of wine or hot chocolate; indulge just a bit when the time is right, and I am going to relax and let the peace of knowing that we serve an awesome God wash over me. My prayer is that you will do the same. Diiiing Dong, Diiiing Dong Christmas bells are ringing…..
Recommended reading for my momma friends:
Growing Grateful Kids, by Susie Larson: It highlights the simple ways we can model how to teach our little ones how to appreciate an extraordinary God in ordinary places

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