Thursday, July 25, 2013

He's in the details

   Sometimes I never cease to amaze myself... with just how scatter brained I can be! UUUgh.

Here is a quick, random story about how much God loves me; even when I’m an idiot. This morning I was feeling guilty for neglecting my kids when the decorator/designer in me came out in full force after FINALLY receiving our new photos of the boys.  The entire morning I was making and recreating tiny disasters all over my home.  Cutting free printables to size to fit frames, running downstairs then back up with said Pinterest prints, then stopping to look for the scissors, again, in the heap of scraps piled on the kitchen table/work space. I was about half way finished with my madness, when I noticed Josh was sleepy, so I took a break, laid him down and took Caleb outside. I mindlessly set my phone on the back bumper of my van so I could toss a few pitches for Caleb.  Then, approximately seven minutes later he was ready for something else we found ourselves in the backyard on the swing.  I completely forgot about my phone!

Time went by and after a quick splash in the pool we all ate lunch Then I decided last minute, to take the boys to do a few things at church.  I pulled out of my driveway and YES, you guessed it, my beloved phone fell off the bumper into the middle of the road!!!! Of course at that point I did not know this was happening…
I was just about to give up before I completely lost my mind looking for my phone.... when all of the sudden, there is a knock at the door!  (Actually, the doorbell rang and I got really annoyed because I just put Caleb down for a nap :/)  At the door stood a tall, skinny young man whose bike was parked at the end of my driveway. He had a mouth full of braces and a big smile. He said, “Hi,” held up my phone, and asked if it was mine! Can you believe it?  God will even send a lanky kid your way to tell you He is looking out for you; even when you are careless, and forgetful!Today I thank God for the small stuff. I could have ran that phone over with my mom-van, that kid could have taken my phone or who knows what could have happened to it. Thank you Lord, for being in the details of my most disorganized (and irresponsible) of days.

Quick update on our July family events; We enjoyed 2 trips to the beach at Lake Ripley; one with my parents and one with dear friends.  Each time was treasured and filled with fun. Some highlight from the first trip were this castle building session and an impromptu ice cream run in the tiny town of Cambridge.
My beach babes!
Enjoying some Blue Moon
Papa and his ice cream monster
Caleb and Gav taking a snack break.


The second trip highlight would have to be Caleb asserting “I have to go pee,” to the entire beach from knee deep in the lake and then proceeded to pull his trunks down and release, towards the beach.  I think I might have looked around as to say “Who’s kid is that?” Too funny.

Here is a really bad pic of me with Jess and Mom on our first annual ladies day out! We had a blast. Drank wine during our pedi's then made it in time for double bubble downtown at the farmers market! Such a precious time spent with some fantastic women!

This is the boys making breakfast with their new obsession; Old school, Fischer Price dishes from Gaga. <3
We'll kick off this weekend with a Mallards Game and some yard work.  This next week Carlo has vacation so we will head to Chicago for one day, hit the Children’s Museum and then head to Indiana and Michigan to visit family for a couple of days.  We can’t wait to see them again. Carlo's parents will be there visiting as well!  We last saw Carlo’s cousin and his family this past Christmas; a priceless gathering with lots of love and sweet conversation. Caleb keeps checking the calendar for our count-down to see Josiah and Rachel and Abu and Papo. We are getting close. He has already decided what he will wear. With a grin, he says, “I want to wear my Veggie Tales shirt, They are going to like my Veggie Tales shirt!” So there you have it.


We finally got our pics of the boys back.  These two are probably my favorites...
God bless.

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