Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Give Thanks

Caleb and I made this for his Show and Tell last week.
This blessed year I am thankful for old friends and new.

I am thankful for Peppermint Mochas, and turtle pie too.

I love that I am a daughter, sister, friend, wife  and mom

Whose One and only King is simply the Bomb.

I adore my little lovies’ sweet, butterfly kisses.

My cheeks and my heart embrace all those tiny blisses.

My partner in life; what a dream come true.

I know with all that I am, he’ll never leave me blue.

Oh happy day, to have giving neighbors,

Who never flinch at just one more favor.

Our warm, cozy home full of happy memories and more;

This time of year, what more could one ask for!?

The tree is (almost) up, sparkling in all of her splendor.

Each sentimental ornament that dangles, tells a story with such candor.


Thank you Lord, for all that You are,

I am thankful for where I come from and for You bringing me this far…

One last thought to leave you with feelings so nice,

I hold these things so dear I will say it twice;

Gratitude turns what you have into enough.

Yes, gratitude turns what we have into enough.


First attempt at Christmas photos...
Lodi Wine Walk last weekend


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