Monday, November 4, 2013

Born to Bloom

Thanks for being patient. I finally got my blog updated.  Hope you like it!
The story behind my blogs’ new name comes from what I call a sweet,  'God-moment.' I'm sure you've had one a time or two. It's basically those moments in your life that speak to you so powerfully and clearly that you know you could have never thought of something that great on your own.  About 5 springs ago, we were camping with friends in Houston.  We all decided to go for a walk, explore the land. During one leg of our hike, there must have been a lull in the conversation and I began to think about where we might be in a year from that moment. April of 2009 was an interesting time for Carlo and I. The month or so before that camping trip we decided to start trying for our first baby.  A few weeks after that, Carlo lost his job; the one that brought us to Texas in the first place. So that April some pretty big things were up in the air for us. Would I get pregnant right away? Would Carlo find a new job?  Where?  How long would that job hunt take? Should we still be trying to get pregnant? Were we in the right place? Was this really where we should be?  Are we going to put roots down here? If not, were would that be?  It seemed the questions I had outnumbered the pieces of gravel underfoot.  As my mind wondered a tiny,  delicate flower growing right on the side of the road caught my eye. 

In that moment I thought,"I feel kind of like that little flower." God was reminding me that sometimes even in the midst of unlikely situations I can flourish. Strong and steady.  We were having fun with friends, embracing the day.  Despite all the questions, I knew in my heart of hearts that we would be fine.  Don't get me wrong, that didn't stop me from worrying a little bit about our future, but I knew God needed me to stand firm. We were going to ‘keep on, keeping on’ and something great would happen. Romans 8:28  "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
During the year that followed, Carlo got a new job, we moved to Madison, and we had Caleb! We had even found our new church family at Heartland Community Church.   With so many changes and transitions that year I never would have imagined I could weather that storm but we did and I couldn't be more blessed.
Maybe you're fighting exhaustion because the kids woke you up a dozen times last night or were up way before the sun (thank-you day light savings:) Maybe you or the kiddos are still fighting that cold. Perhaps you are trying to sell a house or looking for a new job.  Maybe you're starting a new business or stuck in a stressful family situation...Maybe your stuff is more like rocks or even boulders right now rather than gravel. Whatever may be consuming your world right now, know that God calls us to remain steadfast and bloom in the place where He has us this season.
You can do this sweet friend.
 Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

  I trust God will continue to help us all bloom in the place where he has planted us. 

Speaking of seasons; I have officially programed my Pandora to Christmas music.  Now that I've had my share of Pumpkin Spice stuff I need something else to get excited about.

More about things I'm excited about to come....;)

What are you looking forward to this season?

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